Logo Ibiza sin fondo

Discover how the ESN Ibiza Trip can help your brand!

ESN Ibiza Trip is not a simple trip for students

Why can this event be a great opportunity for your brand?

Direct contact with international students

ESN is characterised mainly by the proximity of the volunteers that make it up with international students. This closeness and direct contact allows us to communicate in a much more effective way.

Well-defined target

You can benefit from the exposure of your brand in different formats at an event with a well-defined audience: international students. By targeting a very specific segment, you will make your marketing actions much more effective.

We are a non-profit organization

Our mission and priority is for international students to obtain one of the best experiences of their lives on the ESN Ibiza Trip. We seek to establish collaborations in which all the involved parties benefit.

Some institutions and companies already support us!

Join the event and take advantage of it!

Logo Consell Insular d'Eivissa

Consell Insular d'Eivissa

The self-goverment body of the Island fully support the event through some of its different departments, providing tools and human resources to make the event more inclusive and safe.

Logo Ayuntamiento de Ibiza

Ajuntament d'Eivissa

The municipality of the Island provides human resources to the event so the organisation can offer free tours to the participants.

Institut Balear de la Dona

Institut Balear de la Dona

The Balearic Women's Institute belongs to the Balearic Islands Government and promotes equality policies. They help us ensure the experience is inclusive and safe.

Creu Roja Joventut Balears

The Red Cross Youth section of the Balearic Islands and their team in Ibiza collaborate with this event providing a safe space with zero tolerance towards sexist violence.

logo vibra hotels

Vibra Hotels

Vibra Hotels collaborates with the ESN Ibiza Trip in terms of providing accommodation to the participants in the best hotels of the island.

Transmediterranea Logo


Transmediterranea provides participants the chance to arrive to the Island by ferry from València and Barcelona ports. They will also provide ferrys to Formentera!

Logo Motorent pujols

Motorent Pujols Formentera

Enjoy a 20% discount on cars, bikes and motorbike rentals booking online with the promo code ESNIBIZA23 to discover the best spots of Formentera island.

Are you interested in collaborating with us?

Send an e-mail to [email protected] and we will reply as soon as possible!

Do you have any questions?